Saturday, June 25, 2011

PMA 'til i'm DOA

I am happy about a lot of things in my life right now.

-My lovely, polite, funny, sweet, cute, kind-hearted, adorable Quinn. She is so smart, it blows me away. Not even 2 years old, and she can count to 3! She loves to swim, just like her mommy. She is friendly, and well mannered. She likes to help clean, and clean her own messes. She loves to brush her teeth and take baths. Joking around and dancing are her favorite things. She loves to cuddle, and give me back rubs after I give her one first. She brings me books to read to her, and then reads them to me. She watches my every move, and really understands what I say to her. She is incredibly beautiful and I love her more and more every single day. I get emotional just trying to comprehend how loving someone so unconditionally is even possible. Having a child is the most amazing thing in my life. I love you so much baby girl, forever.
-My family/friends. I am having such a great time with all of my friends. I am doing really well with communication and I feel like it is really helping my friends to understand the amount of difficulty I can have dealing with my anxiety. And in turn, that brings down my anxiety levels, once they can understand where I am coming from. I feel like they contribute so very much to my health & well-being. I wish they could all understand how much I care about them, but I just can't seem to get those feelings & words out most of the time. Raw emotions have become tough for me to want to express in front of others, so most of the time I hide it with awkwardness or laughter. I think they get it though. I hope they do. I love them all so much.
-A lovely boy. He seems sweet, genuine, funny as fuck, and really chill. He is hot as hell and is so into me, it's ridic. He loves sports, Shaytards, HIM & filthy talk. I wish I knew more about him & could see him at all right now. Ottawa came into play at the wrong time, but maybe it's actually the right time. Good things come to those who wait, right?
-New experiences. That's what this year is for! That's what my life is about and I won't stop until I am satisfied! I have accomplished so much this year and have no intention on stopping!! I am on such a roll with positive experiences and bringing more of what my life needs into it. I have had a lot of struggles and hurdles to get past this year, but it seems to get more and more rewarding. Especially lately. I am so thankful for my best friend, for our friendship, and for our mutual support for each other.
Y'all honestly have no idea how great you make my life. Thank you bearded boys, thank you.

...I kinda got distracted, can you tell? :P

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Totes the cutest.

I just wish a close friend was awake to share this with me.
I'm really happy.
A HILARIOUS & cute boy asked me out tonight, one i've actually MET before.
Asked me to dinner & for my number.
Gah, I won't go into detail, cause i'm so tired, but you betta believe i saved them convo. yesssssss.

woop woop.
Bree gots a crush.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Things I Love Thursdays #3 & #4

-Taboo "Naughty but Nice" Show
-New, fun things
-Cinniamon hearts x4987489148
-Oreo, my late feline
-Looking at old old pictures
-Realizing how calm I can be
-Learning that it feels good to get upset and not histerically cry
-Lumberjack biker boys
-Denim cut offs
-Deconstructing wolf shirts
-Thrift shoppin' with the bestie
-Silk chocolate beveragev
-Dead Man's Bones
-Cardigan clips
-Dancing in my undies & a tank top
-Having Suiters
-Purple Tulips
-Deciding that the OBVIOUS choice for my knuckle tattoos will be WOLF PACK
-Strawberry Lemonade Chillers
-Hitting a huge bump in the road & flailing about
-Sex Dream books
-Taco Bake
-Nail Polish
-Valentine's Day gifts <3
-Doin' it
-Keeping a clean house
-Dominant male energy
-Killing people with kindness

I am forgetting a lot, but I feel good about this list.


I've been tossed off of the happy horse repeatedly lately. It's no fun.
I HAVE been doing positive things as often as I can and making mental notes about things I enjoy and often don't acknowledge for my TILT entries...which i'm about to post; a 2 week one.
So, RSL progress?
-I've gone on dates! DATES? ME? WHAT? YEAH. I am capable of anything.
-I've been successful in painting my toenails weekly.
-I haven't been giving in to any tabloids, but that's easy for me. No malicious gossip has been spread/repeated either.
-I've tried the "Zipper Technique" twice now and it's worked!
-I'm behind on the pictures, but I AM doing quite well, i'm not too behind.
-I bought a book about sex dreams, to get in touch with my sexuality AND my subconscious!

I've been horribly distracted and can't bring myself to finish this...on to the TILT Post!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Things I Love Thursdays #2

-Girls night dinner parties.
-The hilarious conversation that ensues when i'm with K&J.
-Engaging discussions about sex.
-Kevin Dack and his microwave pot roast.
-Great friends who demand to babysit.
-Looking like a 5 year old with a high bun.
-Watching movies alone
-Anchors <3
-Red heads (the fake kind)
-Tim Hortons tea
-Old clothes that are new to me
-Super positive feedback from loved ones
-People saying i'm impressive when they barely know me.
-11am Workshops with my bestie
-My job & coworkers
-Tzatziki sauce
-Eating ice cream with an old friend
-Feeling accomplished
-9NA Goldwell toner
-Laaaate, late nights with fits of laughter
-Junk food while on your period
-Sneaky thoughts
-Learning how to flirt shamelessly
-Channeling 50s beauties like Judy Garland & Betty Grable

Radical Self Love Photos!!

OKAY. So, this is one of my projects i'm taking on this month from Gala.
1 picture of myself, everyday, for the entire month of February!!
I may not post a picture everyday, but i'll for sure take one.
So here goes.

Day 1: Lookin' & feelin' great!

Day 2: Old hair, old makeup, super tired.

Day 3: No makeup, fresh & clean...with a stache. ;)

Monday, January 31, 2011



I've had a great weekend thanks to all of my lovely friends!
All day today i've been feeling so positive and lovely because of all the loving energy I was around all weekend & it makes me excited for the near future.

I'm already working on a point form list for this week's TILT so i don't forget any!
I'm going die with joy.

I am going to try to take a big step forward and join Shapes with Sarah. She is going to sign me onto her family plan FOR FREE(OMG!), this will free up some cash for me because I am paying like $40.00 (techinically, my mom is...:/) a month for a gym I don't go to because I don't feel like i'm doing the right things. Sarah has been working with a trainer for a long time, and is VERY dedicated herself AND lives in my hood again so I KNOW she'll kick my ass like 3-4 times a week. So that's exciting, I just need a little motivation to go do it.

I don't have much to say, I just mainly wanted to blog about how EXCITED I am for tomorrow! :D :D :D

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Things I Love Thursdays #1

-50's party dresses
-My baby's teeth & her little smile
-NO PULP Orange Juice
-Friends & how they're always there to pick you up.
-Having good, long talks with loved ones.
-Laughing until there is no sound left.
-WEHEARTIT Seriously, this site can bring my mood up to 100% easily.
-Late night Skype dates
-Sexy texts
-Feeling good about what direction im headed in.
-Doing what feels good.
-Baby giggles
-Baby toes
-Baby kisses
-Kitty snuggles
-Self discovery
-Gearing up for some intense Radical Self Love in February!!